I want to let you know about on online event that has just begun that I really think you will love. It’s called the Matrix EFT Summit. As someone...
Matrix Reimprinting
The 2016 Matrix Reimprinting EFT Online Summit
The 2016 Matrix Reimprinting EFT Online Summit: Healing our Past; Transforming our Future Why does your painful past follow you and no matter what...
Quantum EFT for Bullying
Bullying can affect people's lives for years but using Quantum EFT, you can dissolve childhood bullying at its source even as an adult. Watch this...
EFT for PTSD – He tried to strangle me.
Watch this full EFT Session with this ex army personnel and watch how gently we can approach and dissolve the emotional charge and physical feelings...
Caroline Paulzen speaks about the Australian EFT Masterclass in Melbourne Oct 6 & 7
Jenny Johnston will be speaking alongside Caroline and 6 other EFT and Energy Techniques experts at the First Australian EFT and Energy Techniques...
Steve Wells interviews Rod Sherwin about the Australian EFT Masterclass, Melbourne, Oct 6 & 7
Watch what Rod Sherwin will be speaking about at the first Australian EFT and Energy Techniques Masterclass in October in Melbourne. Click on the...
Rage and choking still stuck in her body from a traumatic experience at age 4. Cleared using EFT/Matrix Re-Imprinting
Matrix Re-imprinting Session
Case Study about feelings of abandonment and worthlessness and how it affected a reader
After my case study about Sally's feelings of abandonment was published in the EFT Newsletter - Sally's feelings of.., I received this email from a...
Bruce Lipton talks about Epigenetics and EFT
EFT/Matrix Reimprinting Testimonial from Canada
"I recently had the privilege and pleasure of meeting Jenny Johnston at the EFTUniverse Trainer's Training in Santa Rosa, California. On our day...
EFT/Matrix Reimprinting Testimonial from America
Jenny Johnston helped me to heal a pattern of working too hard. She masterfully guided me through a traumatic event that was at the root of the...