“I recently had the privilege and pleasure of meeting Jenny Johnston at the EFTUniverse Trainer’s Training in Santa Rosa, California.
On our day off, Jenny intrduced me to Matrix Re-imprinting.The session was so profound that all I could say after it ended was “WOW!”
Jenny was very professional, grounded and compassionate which made me feel safe to visit and heal places and events that were lying in my subconscious for decades.
Thank you , Jenny. for this gift!
You are excellent in what you are doing.
I am now in the process of becoming a certified MR practitioner 🙂
I am looking forward to our next meeting,
Claudia Schecter NHC, EFT Cert-II, EFT-EXP
EFTUniverse Trainer, Canada
Jenny is available for private sessions in person or by skype (jennycjohnston)and can be contacted for an appointment through jenny@jennyjohnston.com.au