There are still a few places left for the EFT Universe August '23 EFT Professional Skills Training Workshop that I am leading. The pre-requisite is...
EFT Training/ Workshops
October ’23 Quantum EFT Workshop
The October '23 Quantum EFT Workshop is now FULL. Email Jenny if you wish to be placed on the waiting list for the next Quantum EFT Workshop in...
Learn EFT Professionally.
Wanting to train and certify in EFT/ Tapping? Places are available for the next two 4 day EFT Universe Professional Training Workshops in Frankston,...
May Monthly Tapping Group in Frankston and Live Online – Anger and Frustration
This month's Tapping Group is to release Anger and Frustration. Join us live in person in Frankston, Melbourne or LIVE ONLINE on zoom on Wednesday...
4 Day Professional EFT Training Workshop – July 6-9 Melb
Add EFT / Tapping to your professional skills toolkit. You will be so glad that you did. There are still 2 places remaining for the EFT Universe 4...
EFT Universe Training – March 9 – 12 in Melbourne
If you have ever wanted to learn more about Tapping/EFT and all the techniques that allow you to release stress, anxiety, and negative...
De-clutter your mind and release those subconscious negative beliefs
De-clutter your mind and release those subconscious negative beliefs in a 4 hour half-day workshop on Sunday Feb 3rd, Live Online on zoom or in...
June 12 Tapping Group
This month's tapping Group - Live Online on zoom or in person in Frankston is on Tuesday June 12th at 7pm - 9pm Melbourne time. Tapping to create...
New EFT Universe Workshops begin in 2018
Jenny's last EFT level 2 workshop will be in March 2018 (March 10, 11 in Melbourne - see HERE ) where past students can complete their requirements...
Quantum EFT featured in new book
Jenny's new book, "Your past life inheritance - Tapping into the wisdom within to create your future now" is being launched on Sept 2 on Amazon....
EFT Universe Workshop Melbourne August 24-27
Early bird price ends June 24th - The final EFT Universe Level 1 and 2 Workshop for 2017 is August 24-27. Learn all about trauma and how the brain...
EFT Workshops in Australia and NZ in 2017
Watch this 30 min video from the Feb 2017 EFT Workshop in Melbourne - The EFT Movie Technique for "I was hit by...
EFT Blog Talk Radio – Mining the Akash – Getting to the Soul Level
Jondi Whitis from EFT Tapfest Blog Talk Radio in New York, interviews Jenny Johnston about EFT for the Soul - Mining the Akash - Getting to the Soul...
EFT Universe Training – Workshops $100 off until Jan 1, 2015.
Yes, all EFT Workshops are $100 off for a short time only - pay in full before Jan 1st, 2015 and pay only $295 instead of $395 for a Level 1 or...
EFT for Spider Phobias
Watch as this woman clears her fear of spiders in an EFT Workshop in Sydney. We tested it after the session and it was gone!
EFT for frozen, stiff, painful shoulder shows recovery in minutes.
I love how EFT to Tapping can really get to and release, emotional and 'protective' blocks that the body puts in to protect us in some way. Watch...
A new You Tube Playlist created – EFT for Fears and Phobias.
For those of you who have a fear or phobia that holds you back in life, I have created a new playlist on my You Tube Channel, "EFTAustralia". ...
The last EFT Level 3 Training in Australia for 2014.
The last chance to get your EFT Universe Level 3 Training is in Melbourne on Nov 15 & 16. Book here on the 'Register for Workshops' Page. Listen...
What is EFT for the Soul and why you should know about it.
What if patterns and limiting beliefs from other lives that you've lived are still blocking you at a sub-conscious level from moving forward in many...
Dawson Church tells of his experience of his Quantum EFT session.
Listen to what Dawson experienced in his Quantum EFT session. He was quite surprised at what he accessed and received and how easy and profound it...
Enjoying the Santa Rosa sunshine at EFT Universe Headquarters.
It's a year since I was here with Dawson Church at his home in Santa Rosa, California, which also has the office of EFT Universe on site. It's...