Jondi Whitis from EFT Tapfest Blog Talk Radio in New York, interviews Jenny Johnston about EFT for the Soul - Mining the Akash - Getting to the Soul...
New interview on EFT Radio Online – EFT for Past Lives/ Soul Mates
I'm so excited about Annette Vallancourt's next ?#?EFT? Radio Show featuring me, Jenny Johnston. Quantum EFT for the Soul/Past Lives/Soul Mates....
Tapping into Past Lives – Article in ‘The Examiner’.
The Book, 'Tapping into Past lives' has been given a wonderful review online on 'The Examiner'. You can read it here now and please enjoy sharing...
EFT Radio – Expanding EFT for Soul Level learning.
Jenny is interviewed here on EFT Radio Online with Annabel Fisher, speaking about Quantum EFT for the Soul and how to expand EFT and create your own...
What is Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash? Hear Jenny explain on Sth American Radio.
Would you like your questions answered? What is the Akash? How can you 'Mine' it? Want to hear some stories of how others have 'mined' their Akash...
New Meetup Group – Clearing issues that block you from being a shining star.
After running many of these groups on the Peninsula, I have been asked to run more and finally decided to connect them with 'Meetup'. The next...