I want to let you know about on online event that has just begun that I really think you will love. It’s called the Matrix EFT Summit. As someone who is a strong advocate for any method that supports individuals in making breakthrough changes in their lives, this offers just that.
Matrix Reimprinting is a tapping method that works powerfully to help resolve past adverse and traumatic events that can often hold you back from having the health, wealth and happiness that you deserve. The summit organizers are colleagues of mine who have recruited the top international teachers and luminaries in the field of transformational science.
You can register HERE.
This event is designed for those who know nothing about Matrix Reimprinting as well as for health professionals looking to expand their knowledge and skills.
The event begins on Oct. 9 with 2 weeks of pre-summit presenters including luminaries like Amit Goswami, PhD, Donna Eden, Carol Look, David Hamilton PhD, Mark Wolynn and Johannes Fisslinger. These interviews explore topics such as Energy Medicine in the Matrix, Eliminating Self Sabotage to Success, Mind Body Healing and the Science of Happiness, Inter-Generational and Ancestral Healing, Emotional Root Causes of Illness, a META perspective, and insights from “The Quantum Doctor” on Quantum Healing.
The Summit itself begins Oct 23 with topics ranging from using Matrix Reimprinting:
— To release chronic pain
— To eliminate money blocks
— To resolve babyhood traumas
— To increase compassion fatigue resiliency
— In combination with traditional psychotherapy
— In order to integrate color when working to relieve depression
— To catalyze soulmate attraction
In addition, by registering now you will have an immediate All Access Pass to all the interviews for free and to an immediate array of downloadable Free Gifts.
You can register HERE.
With Healing Possibilities Abounding,
Jenny Johnston