The 2016 Matrix Reimprinting EFT Online Summit: Healing our Past; Transforming our Future
- Why does your painful past follow you and no matter what you do, you can’t let it go?
- Are you having ongoing health problems connected to emotional stressors but haven’t found the key to solving the underlying issue?
- Do fear and anxiety control your life, but knowing that isn’t enough to change it?
- Does your soul hunger to embrace your life, your partner and the gifts you deserve?
Whether you’re ready to make some big changes in your own life or you are looking to help others do the same, you’re going to want to check out this FREE, online event with an amazing array of paradigm-changing leaders in the field of Mind-Body medicine. Matrix Reimprinting is a unique form of “tapping” that integrates EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) with cutting edge psycho-emotional-somatic techniques that is fast spreading internationally as a means to effectively release painful experiences that limit who we are in the world.
I highly recommend you check out The 2016 Matrix Reimprinting EFT Online Summit HERE.
By registering for this online event, you will gain free access to presentations by revolutionary, paradigm changing teachers like Dr. Gabor Mate, Lynne McTaggart, Dawson Church, Karl Dawson and 10 more international experts! During this summit you will be inspired by:
Beginning with the pre-summit on September 5, you will have free 48 hour access to a sneak peek of the public launch of the film documentary, the Science of Tapping, with interviews with David Feinstein, PhD, Fred Gallo, PhD, Joe Dispenza, DC, Larry Burk, MD, Loretta Sparks, LMFT and more!
Karl Dawson on using Matrix Reimprinting to open the 5 Gateways to Healing
Dawson Church, PhD on the Epigenetics of the Matrix from Chromosome to Cosmos
Lynne McTaggart on Crafting Intentionality to Change the Field in the Past, Present and Future
Gabor Mate, MD on Being Inspired to Heal Your Traumatic Past to Create an Amazing Future
Alina Frank on Healing Your Sexual Self in the Matrix
Karin Davidson on Discovering Soul Space: How to Work between the Worlds
Penny Croal on How to Finally Overcome Overwhelm
Sam Thorpe will Teach the 7 Critical Steps to Conscious Health
Sharon King Reveals the Origins of Anxiety and what it Takes to Release it
Caryl Westmore on Being the Master of Your Domain with Matrix Goals Reimprinting
James Gardner will Open Your Heart with Ten Ways to Become the Person you want to Be
Thornton Streeter, PhD will reveal the Treasure Map of the Human Biofield
Ted Wilmont will Inspire You to Live a Life beyond Fear
Caroline Dawson Reveals what it takes to Recover from Abuse in the Matrix
By registering for the Matrix EFT Summit, you will have free access to ALL these presentations AND receive free bonus gifts, including the Matrix Collective Consciousness meditation. The feedback from last year’s summit was mind bogglingly positive and this year there are many additional benefits.
Click HERE to find out more information.