by Jenny Johnston | Mar 31, 2013 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops, Testimonials
Hello, Jenny. I cannot thank you and the Universe enough for providing me the opportunity to learn EFT. It surely lives up to its name as I do so feel emotionally free!!! And I didn’t even know that I was emotionally bound! Keep on spreading your work, Jenny. It...
by Jenny Johnston | Mar 18, 2013 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops
I am really looking forward to my first visit to Newcastle in a few days where I will be teaching an intensive EFT Level 1 & 2 workshop over 4 days at Warners Bay Private Hospital. Many of the Mental Health Nurses, staff members and others from the surrounding...
by Jenny Johnston | Aug 5, 2012 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops, Matrix Reimprinting
Jenny Johnston will be speaking alongside Caroline and 6 other EFT and Energy Techniques experts at the First Australian EFT and Energy Techniques Masterclass in Melbourne in October. Caroline Paulzen speaks about Matrix Reimprinting and beliefs – see here a...
by Jenny Johnston | Nov 25, 2011 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops
Looking forward to running the first EFT Level 1 (Jan 7/8) and Level 2 (Jan 14/15) Workshops in 2012 in a new venue – “Living Now” in Seaford. For details go to Training Dates.