Hi Alan,
It’s been a while since I emailed you about EFT and it’s effectiveness for war veterans with PTSD.
John Meehan tells me that he spoke to you at the State Conference last month and that you have passed on EFT information to the Major Surgeon General for review. I again email you with John’s testimony – see here –
And now my latest Vietnam Veteran’s case history – see here –
And of course the EFT for War Veterans Video http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6887426238803490578
I am hoping to speak at a couple of RSL’s for Veterans Health Week soon about EFT and am in contact with Tony Gilchrist, an Iraq Veteran featured on 4 Corners, “The War Within” – see – http://www.abc.net.au/4corners/content/2008/s2527175.htm , hoping to begin EFT treatment with him via skype as he lives in Townsville. He still vomits from the smell and taste of blood and explosives from bomb sites. I am confident that EFT can transform this within a few sessions.
Are there any funding bodies that I can apply to, to access and be able to get professionals to help me with an Australian Research Study to prove to Accreditation Bodies such as The Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Stress, that EFT works. Andrea Phelps from ACPTS says that there is insufficient evidence, although I doubt whether she has actually looked at the evidence already out there. Eg – http://www.stressproject.org/documents/Dinter.pdf
Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully the future will bring EFT to all those who served our country to remove their PTSD symptoms and allow them to live a harmonious life upon their return home.
Jenny Johnston.
EFT Specialist, Occupational Therapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist