Listen to what Dawson experienced in his Quantum EFT session. He was quite surprised at what he accessed and received and how easy and profound it...
Enjoying the Santa Rosa sunshine at EFT Universe Headquarters.
It's a year since I was here with Dawson Church at his home in Santa Rosa, California, which also has the office of EFT Universe on site. It's...
EFT Workshops coming back to Sydney in November by popular demand.
Jenny is happy to announce that EFT Universe Level 1 & 2 Workshops as well as the ever popular Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash Workshop is...
Free Info Night – How to Tap into Past Lives & Quantum EFT – May 5th
Tap Into Your Past Lives and Mine your 'Akash’. Come to a FREE evening on Monday May 5th at Living Now in Seaford, 7-9pm. Door prize - Free Quantum...
She tapped on her chocolate cravings while watching someone else tap on theirs and borrowed the benefits!
Watch how she tells of how her cravings for chocolate and sweet things disappeared while she tapped watching someone else tap on their chocoate...
Do you have chocolate or sweet cravings? Tap along to this short video and feel the results for yourself.
A very funny and short video to show the effectiveness of EFT/Tapping for a woman's daily craving for 'Pineapple Lumps". Tap along with ths short...
Quantum EFT for Bullying
Bullying can affect people's lives for years but using Quantum EFT, you can dissolve childhood bullying at its source even as an adult. Watch this...
Do Easter Eggs control you over Easter?
Watch this video and tap along and see if your Easter Egg cravings reduce too! Subscribe to EFTAustralia's You Tube Channel for access to new videos...
Do you ever get upset because your kids are emotionally upset? Tap along to this and apply it to you.
Please take care of your own health and tap along while you watch and if you still feel triggered by your own emotions, keep tapping on the...
Fear of Spiders. Gone within minutes using EFT!
Tap along with this video if you have a fear of spiders and think about the first time you had that fear and what was happening.
This is a serious problem that many never really get over – A family member suiciding. So great to see her process and release all the trauma around the childhood memory of her mother’s suicide.
If you have had an experience of someone you know suiciding and still have a connection (or dissociation) to the trauma of it, then please take care...
Want freedom around sweet food issues?
Tap along to this EFT Universe Level 1 Workshop demonstration. Visualise and imagine what you want to dissolve around food issues as you tap and see...
Tap along to this EFT session about chronic back/neck pain and see it improve in minutes.
Free Open Night about Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash. March 24, May 5.
Jenny at the Melbourne Kryon Event. Due to the many inquiries about Personal Quantum EFT & Mining the Akash Sessions and Workshops, Jenny is...
EFT Universe’s Dawson Church speaks with EFT U Trainers about childhood traumas.
Watch this Google Hangout with Dawson and some of the EFT Universe Trainers, like me, Jenny Johnston, speaking on the topic of childhood trauma here...
Feeling overwhelmed and ready to give up? Turn hopeless failure into glorious success!
If you think that a challenge you have is insurmountable, just remember this great quote from Elbert Hubbard... "A little more persistence, a little...
Your Appointment on February 24th at 8PM ET/ US
Hi. Please take a minute to write this date and time down… February 24th at 8PM ET You see, at this specific date and time, there is a free online...
This is an amazing story of forgiveness from Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer was a very angry man. At the age of 34 Wayne Dyer drove to Biloxi, Mississippi to visit the grave of his father, an alcoholic and abusive...
EFT Training and Workshops for 2014 in Australia
I'm glad to announce the following EFT Training/Workshops for Melbourne and Newcastle. EFT Level 1 Melbourne, March 1, 2. Newcastle, April 3, 4....
EFT for trauma – “I found out I was the product of a one night stand at 13”
We approach this traumatic memory at age 13, using the EFT Gentle Techniques, Quantum EFT and Colour Mirrors to process and dissolve the memories...
She came to Melbourne all the way from Singapore to learn EFT.
She has trained with Carol Look but was drawn to come to Melbourne to train with me and EFT Universe. Here's what she said when she had finished a 4...