Case Study about feelings of abandonment and worthlessness and how it affected a reader

by | Sep 11, 2011 | Case Studies, E F T, Matrix Reimprinting

After my case study about Sally’s feelings of abandonment was published in the EFT Newsletter – Sally’s feelings of.., I received this email from a reader –

“Dear Jenny,

I just wanted to thank you for your article about “Sally’s feelings of abandonment, sadness and worthlessness” that was featured in Dave Mackays EFT newsletter September 1st. Even as I read it I was shaking and crying and knew I had to do a few rounds on similar lines to that which you did with Sally. About 3 years ago I released alot of emotion through EMDR that just came flooding out about my dad leaving my mum when she was just pregnant with me. It was if I was holding all my mum’s emotions. From time to time this has re-emerged and I have tapped on it, but nothing on the scale of what I experienced yesterday. I was diagnosed with ME, myoclonic spasms, fibromyalgia and then subsequently Adrenal Fatigue and since being introduced to EFT in October 2010 I have relentlessly used it and have constantly searched for ways to heal myself (I also discovered other traumas I didn’t know existed and neither did my family, by tapping). I was meant to find your article as a means to help me along this next step of my journey and so many thanks again. I know I have more to do but for the mean time your article has spurred me on yet further! 

A huge heartfelt thanks 

Yours Warmly

Jenny Kent”

and then another email from her the following day –

…”Tried for first time Matrix Reimprinting after emailing you….something I noticed on your credentials, so I found some information about it and gave it a go. 

First time I just spoke to baby Jenny in the womb and I gained some release and relaxation. Next, however, I tried tapping….not easy with a baby I can tell you!……it was very cute she had her tiny fingers wrapped round my fore finger (well sort of considering how small she was!). On the integration part I was curled up in a ball, much like a foetus and then I had this huge physical shift and gasp….onwards and upwards is all I can say! Shall try it on my other traumas now! 

That’s twice you’ve helped me Jenny, your article has triggered things in me in more ways than either you or I could ever anticipate! 

Yours Warmly


And that’s why I share the work with EFT! 🙂



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