The Evolution of EFT

by | Mar 1, 2011 | E F T

Hi all,

Yesterday, I had an amazing 2+ hours Teleconference with Dawson Church, Lisa Bacon (EFT U Trainer Co-ordinator) and about 20 people from the EFT U Trainers Workshop, some of whom are already running EFT U Trainings and some of whom are about to, and some, like me, still completing Trainer’s requirements. (I plan to be qualified by June after I’ve recovered from my knee replacement next week).

We went through the EFT U Level 1 and 2 Training Powerpoints and asked questions, made suggestions for minor alterations and had a very informative session.
The following article was given to us by Dawson to read about the evolution of EFT (as it is a topic of one of our slides) and I thought it would be good for all our VEPN members to have too. So here it is-

Fighting the Fire: Emotions, Evolution, and the Future of Psychology

Enjoy spreading EFT,


Jenny Johnston

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