by Jenny Johnston | Jul 30, 2013 | E F T, Quantum EFT
EFT for feeling stuck, leads to being stuck at birth and after ‘re-brthing’ her using EFT, she finds a clear pathway forward.
by Jenny Johnston | Jul 30, 2013 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops
The camera turned off just before the end but she smelled the ginger biscuits and smelled the sickly sweet smell and felt sick and didn’t want to eat any more at all. Watch this short video to see how the process works.
by Jenny Johnston | Jul 30, 2013 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops, Testimonials
Listen as 3 of the EFT Universe Workshop Students in Brisbane speak of their experience in this brief video. Next workshops are in Sydney (August/Sept) and Melbourne in Oct. See EFT Training Page at the top.
by Jenny Johnston | Jul 25, 2013 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops
She didn’t know if she would find her father dead or alive. Watch how we take the emotional trauma and distress out of this experience.
by Jenny Johnston | Jul 25, 2013 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops, Past Life Regression, Quantum EFT
Watch as this EFT phone session demonstration goes from a ‘made up’ issue to deep sadness and helplessness and a Past Life Memory experience.