by Jenny Johnston | Jan 20, 2014 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops, Quantum EFT
I’m glad to announce the following EFT Training/Workshops for Melbourne and Newcastle. EFT Level 1 Melbourne, March 1, 2. Newcastle, April 3, 4. Melbourne, July 5, 6. EFT Level 2 Melbourne, March 3, 4. Melbourne, March 8, 9. Newcastle, April 5, 6. Melbourne,...
by Jenny Johnston | Oct 21, 2013 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops, Testimonials
She has trained with Carol Look but was drawn to come to Melbourne to train with me and EFT Universe. Here’s what she said when she had finished a 4 day intensive EFT Universe Workshop – “Jenny Johnston was brilliant, an excellent Trainer and...
by Jenny Johnston | Feb 12, 2013 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops
Feb 16 and 17 is the date for EFT Universe Level 2 Workshop to be held at “Living Now” at 42 Hartnett Dve, Seaford. Vic. 9 – 5.30. $350. A couple of places still available. Must have completed EFT U Level 1. March 23, 24, 25, 26 is the next EFT...
by Jenny Johnston | Mar 21, 2012 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops
If you want to change your life, live your dreams and let go of what no longer serves you, then it’s time you took ACTION and booked yourself into EFT Training Melbourne. There are still a couple of places left in the March EFT Training, Melbourne – Level...
by Jenny Johnston | Feb 20, 2012 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops
After returning from Hawaii and co-training and assisting with Dawson Church, PhD., I am ready to throw myself into the next month of EFT! Beginning on Thursday March 1st, 7.00pm – 8.30pm – come to the Introduction to EFT Evening at “Living...