by Jenny Johnston | Mar 13, 2017 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops, Quantum EFT
Watch this 30 min video from the Feb 2017 EFT Workshop in Melbourne – The EFT Movie Technique for “I was hit by Lightning”. Watch HERE. Workshops – March 18, 19 – Money Mastery Workshop with US EFT...
by Jenny Johnston | Dec 5, 2014 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops
Yes, all EFT Workshops are $100 off for a short time only – pay in full before Jan 1st, 2015 and pay only $295 instead of $395 for a Level 1 or Level 2 or Level 3 EFT Universe Workshop. See here for 2015 dates. Brisbane – January, Melbourne –...
by Jenny Johnston | Nov 6, 2014 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops
Watch as this woman clears her fear of spiders in an EFT Workshop in Sydney. We tested it after the session and it was gone!
by Jenny Johnston | Nov 6, 2014 | E F T
Watch as this lady tunes into emotional trauma and her body starts to shake uncontrollably. In just 10 mins she has released it all from her body, which had been storing it to protect her in some way.
by Jenny Johnston | Nov 6, 2014 | E F T, EFT Training/ Workshops
I love how EFT to Tapping can really get to and release, emotional and ‘protective’ blocks that the body puts in to protect us in some way. Watch this brief video, taken in an EFT Universe Workshop n Sydney, to see how this lady is completely surprised...