This participant on my September ’12 Sydney EFT Workshop, gives a testimonial about how she was able to release the long held shock, trauma and grief around her sister’s death many years ago. She had been working on her sister with CPR but she didn’t make it. Now she feels freedom around this event and feels comfortable to go and do a CPR course that she needs to do for work in the near future. She also felt a real spiritual closness with her sister at last and felt her come and visit her in a subsequent EFT session on the workshop. It was truely beautiful to witness and not a dry eye in the room. The next EFT Universe Workshop being held by Jenny is in Melbourne in November and she will return to Sydney in September ’13.
Learn Clinical EFT in a 4 day Professional Skills Workshop in August ’23
There are still a few places left for the EFT Universe August '23 EFT Professional Skills Training Workshop that I am...